the best little cocktail blog went to Pegu shortly after new years. And it was perfect. In addition to last year's belated Christmas gift to my brother (tickets to see monologue/story teller/ all around hilarious artist-guy Mike Daisey) I tagged on round trip train travel + food & cocktailing for this year's present...
We went to Pegu because it was close. But next time we plan to hit up Little Branch and Death & Company as well.
My brother drinks beer & Jameson and that's about it. I appreciate that about him. Standards, tradition, you know the drill. But I knew he'd be impressed by the cocktailery that Pegu demonstrates.
He drank a minty smash drink- much similar to a mint julep & he loved it.
I drank the Pisco Punch & I still can not get that dreamy little devil off of my mind.
So, here is how you create this beauty.
Pisco, Pineapple, Grapefruit, lime & lemon juice, ice
Infuse your pisco with pineapple, Pegu suggests about 3 days. If you are pressed for time (literally) you may muddle up the pisco and pineapple but it won't taste the same.
Take a jar, some chunks of pineapple and a bottle of pisco. Cover it & shake. Let sit in the refrigerator for 3 days. strain. use.
Make up a batch of grapefruit simple syrup. 1 whole grapefruit. Same recipe as regular simple syrup add the zest of a grapefruit rind to the already cooled sugar water. Try not to add the pith, that's the white part of the fruit. If it were your body, it'd be much similar to the fascia that binds your muscle to bones & skin (is that gross?) well, that's kind of what pith is, it holds the rind and the meaty fruit part all together, like a container. Pith is bitter. Let this sit for a day in the refrigerator.
same is true for the lemon and lime simple syrup. But I like fresh lime & lemon juice as I don't really covet the sweet.
Any way, I'm a dork.
This serves many people. As, it is a punch.
750 ml pisco
8.5 oz of grapefruit syrup
8.5 oz of lime juice or syrup
12.5 oz fresh lemon
I then add a bit of regular simple syrup to taste. I adore the tart finish of fresh lime & lemon juice, and maybe you don't- so if you want to stick to the pegu recipe do the lime syrup in stead.
refrigerate this delicious mess for a few hours.
I serve it in a little tumbler with cubes.
You may do whatever you please. It'll be good no matter what.
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