yes! judging by my avocado consumption I love fatty fats. I believe that you can eat & drink as much natural fats as you please. It's the industrialization and human paws that really ruin fat consumption into making you fat . so behold: the fattiest fat person's dream come true of the fattiest fat person drink! Hot buttered Rum. Yum yum.
I plan to buy all of my pants a size larger from now on while I prepare to consume this drink every night until 2011. Upon my first sip, I wanted to put on a mu mu or hospital gown- crawl into bed & sip this from a stainless steel straw. It's that good. And like most really good things it's really really simple!
I make this in pitcher form serves 4 large portions or 8 normal (for "oh just this once!" people portions).
You will need:
- European styled butter (let it soften)
- dark rum
- dark brown sugar cane
- hot water
- sea salt
Fill your pitcher with hot water. Leave about 2" on the top.
Take a half cup give or take a bit of dark brown sugar.
Stir it all around until it really mixes. It should be a really nice chestnut brown color. Ironically the same color as my hair so if you know me- picture that. If you don't. Sorry.
Get some of that nice European high fat styled butter. The fresher the better. The fattier the better. soften it outside of the refrigerator and cut off about an inch & a half an inch slab (just do it!).
Place that slab of definitive deliciousness and plop it on top of the sugar & water.
Let it all melt and mix into one another. Taste it. Wow. right?
You have 2 choices now- You can do the rum'ing case by case basis or you can rum it up at once.
I've been using goslings dark rum- but any dark rum will do.
4 seconds a person. So, if you are serving for 4 Take the rum (hopefully pour spouted) & pour for 16 seconds. It's nice to let this sit over night. In or out of the refrigerator either is fine.
As far as presentation goes: Pour the drink into snifters. If you have an espresso machine with a steamer steam it up to a nice froth. If you don't you may heat it up over the stove.
Some people like to put a pat of butter atop and sprinkle on some vanilla, nutmeg or other wintery spice.
The only other ingredient I like to add is a pinch of sea salt. I've been using pink coarse sea salt.
Hey hey hey!