close your eyes if you really really love red wine.
or leave them open if you're a swinger...when it comes to your drinks.
Introducing: The Kalimotxo
red wine and coke
I was first introduced to this drink back in 2002, an Argentinian boss of mine would enjoy this drink after work. Gross! I thought. But then I tried it. Wow! refreshing and energizing. a medieval times red bull if you will. He also introduced me to fernet- which he also drank with coke. Those caffeine & chimichuri loving Argentinians!
I later saw that the same drink was called a toadstool or mushroom (houba) in the czech republic, a 'Catemba' in south africa, 'jote' in chile (black vulture), 'bambus' in former Yugoslav republics,and in less creative jurisdictions 'rioja libre' a red wine moniker'ed take on cuba libre (rum & coke) and that it really wasn't all that innovative since it's basically a shandy but with wine and caffeinated soda instead of gingerale. But what it lacks in innovation it makes up for in good!
Most people do it 50 50 wine & coke. I do it with a splash of diet coke, cause i'm reckless & skinny :)
But whatever your pour or percentage it's something you must try!
* i call it the 'pachanga' because it is the dance that the son suggests to johnny in Dirty Dancing for the grand finale show, it's irrelevant and perfect for when you forget how to say or spell kalimotxo :)
**also, i have heard of a dangerous liberty taken with orange soda, called the pitilin gorri, same drink but sans coke & with orange soda instead. sounds crazy and dangerous enough to work....you can thank the Spaniards (basque region specifically for this all of these variations!!!).
seems to have started around the 70's along with many other scandalous concoctions- including yours truly!
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