Sunday, December 19, 2010

a play on the champagne cocktail (it's actually really good!)

hi beautiful drinkie people

did you hear? i's goings to be on the news.

this will be my 2nd venture, well 3rd if you count the time i answered phones at the newington children's hospital telethon in 5th grade. I met Al Terzi!! (well, you only know who that is if you are a connecti-cutian.

any hoo! it's a healthy cocktail segment and the drinks are by me.

a normal fancy lady will cheers & toast (with eye contact) with a traditional champagne cocktail, champagne, sugar cube, bitters & a cherry. But a savvy, local healthy fancy lady will shun the white sugar.

Behold a white sugar- cube- free champagne cocktail.

What you need:
honey, a tangerine wedge, Aperol & champagne or prosecco.

  • grab some local honey and put a dollop in the bottom of a champagne class
  • take the Aperol and add about a 1/2 ounce
(what is Aperol you ask? (specifically it's an apertif made to stimulate digestion) & it's basically another brand of Campari (now owned by the same italians who own Campari), like coke & pepsi, Aperol is the pepsi- I like it better, for no reason- other than it's a smidge sweeter)

  • squeeze a tangerine wedge and leave it on the bottom or take it away- your choice.

  • stir the honey, aperol and tangerine all together & fill the flute with your champagne/prosecco of choice. I've been using Lamarca.Bulleted List
* why is honey better you ask? well, it's unrefined made by bees (which = god & not human hands, god trumps human hands, always, always always).

* there is sugar in Aperol so this isn't a sugar free recipe
it's a healthier version with citrus instead of an over processed marachino cherry.

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