Inspired by the tequila and the color of a paloma
I decided to make a reddish pink tequila drink in a snifter.
A paloma is
1 dash of grenadine
1 ounce of fresh pressed grapefruit juice
1.3 ounces of gold tequila
and it is good.
shaken and strained into a martini glass with a lime wheel.
What did we make?
oh, well, we named it a Salty Ohpiuchus
A direct result of all of the hoopli A dooooo
about this new sign. It's been around forever and guess what,
it has nothing to do with your sign changing. Whatever you are- you still are :)
so yea. Let's drink this drink and talk about something else.
What do you need?
tequila, I used silver, luxardo maraschino liquer, pomegranate puree, fresh lime dash of bitters.
- 1.5 ounces of tequila
- a splash of marashino liquer (2 if you like what it does to your mouth)
- 1 ounce of pomegranate puree.
- .5 fresh lime juice
- dash of bitters.
Shake and strain into a 1/2 salted snifter.
wow. this is really good. makes this astrology pandemonium less annoying.