You know how missy elliot or whomever will yell out REMIX at the beginning of her songs?
no, well, that's ok.
I like to yell in my brain DETOX at the beginning of a hangover. viva la missy elliot.
this drink has inspired many hangovers of mine in the past & it is very refreshing!
it reminds me of when I realized that not only was orangina not just for scruffy, rail thin, European men on bicycles- but it was also for me! but it's also SUPER refreshing!
you may use vanilla or vodka regularis
prepare this drink over ice in a pint glass or a tumbler. i vote for the pint glass,
- 2 0z vodka
- splash of good oj
- or fresh pressed oranges (come on you are WORTH it)
- splash or 2 of soda water or ginger ale if your guts ache.
yum! drink it with a straw & have more than one!
and don't suggest that you just mix vodka with actual orangina it's not the same- and it has nothing to to with concocting :)