Aloha, I am secretly a fan of Eminem. Well, not really -a secret fan- because when I remember this fact about myself I blast his music from my car and or home. He is a clever beast. I loved his last cd. So, to quote a favorite song of mine 'So Bad'.
"There aint' no body bomb as me,
I'm as calm as the breeze
I'm the bees knees, his legs & his arms"
Which makes me think of this lovely drink, a prohibition cocktail that used honey to disguise the aroma of gin.
The Bee's Knees:
Taken from Boothby's 1934 Reprint World Drinks and How To Mix Them
Makes 1 drink
Note: The orange juice is optional.
1/2 jigger of gin ( I love Blue Coat gin, old Hayman Tom or Plymouth)
1 spoonful of freshly-squeezed lemon juice
1 spoonful of freshly-squeezed orange juice
1 spoonful of honey
1. Combine all the ingredients and shake well with ice. Strain into a glass.